• Thursday, November 28, 2019

    How to delete all messages on Facebook Messenger with just one click


    Spam messages, ads on Facebook will be deleted in bulk with a few simple steps

    It is inevitable that you will receive advertising messages, instant messages from strangers on Facebook. And of course to delete those spam messages on Facebook, users are forced to delete each message individually. So why don't we try using the Message Cleaner utility to delete all messages on Facebook in just a few simple steps?

    Message Cleaner is a utility that is installed on Chrome browser, has a "clean up" feature, delete all messages on personal Facebook account. The utility has a simple, easy to use method with just a few steps to complete. How to use Message Cleaner to delete many messages on Facebook will be guided by social-networking-tips below.

    Step 1:

    First of all, we click on the link below to open the interface for installing Message Cleaner in the browser.

    • https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/message-cleaner/dcanahkfmlgbgmnjlcmpmjcmbldniele

    At this interface, click on the Add to Chrome button to install the utility on the browser.

    Message Cleaner Chrome utility

    Step 2:

    Continue clicking the Add add-on button in the new dialog box that appears.

    Install Message Cleaner on Chrome

    Finally, we will see the Message Cleaner utility icon at the end of the address bar on the browser, along with the message shown below.

    Message Cleaner notifications

    Step 3:

    Next, log in to your personal Facebook account and access the Messenger messaging interface. At Messenger interface, click on the icon of Message Cleaner on the right on the same interface. After that, we will be provided with 2 different options including:

    • Delete All Messages: Xóa toàn bộ tin nhắn trên Facebook.
    • Choose & Delete: Lựa chọn và xóa tin nhắn.

    Option to delete messages with Message Cleaner

    Step 4:

    If the user selects Choose & Delete to choose to delete the spam messages, keep the important messages, the utility will appear boxes to select messages in the interface. If you select all, press the Select All option.

    Select the Facebook message to delete

    Then click on the Delete Selected Messages button above to delete the marked messages.

    Delete selected Facebook messages

    Step 5:

    In the appropriate user field, you want to delete all Facebook messages without checking again, click Delete All Messages.

     Delete all Facebook messages

    Soon, messages on Facebook will be deleted. Depending on the number of messages in your personal account more or less, the time to delete messages with the Message Cleaner utility is fast or slow.

    Message Cleaner deletes Facebook messages

    I wish you all success!

    Chúc các bạn thực hiện thành công!

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