• Friday, December 20, 2019

    How to hide photos without deleting photos on Instagram?


    After a month of testing, Instagram finally updated the Archive feature to most accounts. Archive feature can be understood as storing images, putting images in users' personal accounts into a separate section, hidden in the interface of your posts.

    Along with Facebook, Instagram is now a social network that many people care about. We can share every moment through different images and videos. However, it may be for some reason that you do not want an image to appear on the profile page, but do not want to remove them from the collection. Archive - Archive feature will help us solve that problem. Other people will not be able to see the image when it is put in the Archive section, and if you want, you can completely bring that image back to your profile. The following article will guide you in detail how to use the Archive feature on Instagram.

    How to use the Archive feature on Instagram

    Step 1:

    First log into your personal Instagram account and access your profile page. At the personal gallery, click on the image you want to hide. Then click on the 3 dot mark icon. Appears a list of options for posts, press Archive.

    Instagram profile interface Select the post to include in the Archive section Click on Archive

    Step 2:

    When returning to the personal interface, we will see the image disappear from the gallery. So people will not see that image, except you. We can still see the number of likes and comments of that post.

    Step 3:

    To review the posts in the archive, in the profile interface click on the clock icon in the top right corner. The Archive section appears with the entire post the user has saved.

    Click on the clock icon Instagram Archive collection

    Step 4:

    If the user needs to re-display the post stored on the profile interface, click on the article. In the interface click on the 3 dots icon in the top right corner. Then select Show on personal page (Show on profile) in the list. So when you return to the page, the article will reappear.

    Image options in the Archive section Reveal photos on Instagram profile

    With this new storage feature, Instagram offers more private space for users, when it is possible to hide posts that do not want others to know, without having to delete the post in the collection. Republishing that article appears on the personal profile is also very simple, with just a few clicks to select it.

    Hy vọng bài viết trên hữu ích với bạn!

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