• Sunday, November 10, 2019

    How to block Facebook account search via email


    Facebook is now the most populous social network in the world. And has become familiar with many people. The most common and common way to register for a personal Facebook account is to use an email address.

    And according to the default settings, Facebook registration email addresses will be set to Public, meaning anyone can find your Facebook account when they know the email address. However, if you do not want strangers to search your personal Facebook account via email address, and send friends or spam Facebook, we can hide your email address and let only acquaintances know. email address. The implementation is similar to that, which social-networking-tips has guided you to read before.

    Step 1:

    At the interface on Facebook, we click on the drop-down triangle icon and select Settings.

    Install Facebook account

    Step 2:

    In the Settings interface, click on the Privacy item in the list on the left of the screen interface.

    Privacy settings on Facebook

    Looking at the content on the right Who can search for me, we will see Facebook set up 3 Facebook account search modes including: searching for Facebok by the email address provided, searching by phone number or using Use the external search engine Facebook to link to your personal page. By default, these 3 options are set to Public.

    Search for a Facebook account

    Step 3:

    To reset your Facebook search options via email, at Who can search for you by using the email address you provided, users click on Edit.

    Search Facebook by email

    Step 4:

    Next we will switch from People to Friends mode. So only friends in Facebook friends list can find your Facebook account via the registered email address.

    Show email address with friends

    When a stranger searches for you through an email address, they will be notified that no results can be found regarding this email address.

    Notice to find Facebook by email

    Switching to Friends mode for email address to register for Facebook account will limit the situation of spam inviting friends from strangers and unknown people. Besides, the security of email address also limits the possibility of hacking Facebook accounts.

    Chúc các bạn thực hiện thành công!

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