• Tuesday, October 1, 2019

    Find out about the Explore Feed feature on Facebook


    We are all familiar with the News Feed on Facebook, where you can see all the posts from your friends and the Facebook pages you click Like. However, recently, the company has implemented a new feature called Explore Feed. This is considered the second News Feed of this social networking site. Let's learn more about this feature in the article below.

    What is Facebook Explore Feed?

    For more on the definition of this new feature, please refer to the article:

    In general, Explore Feed is where Facebook shares postings from across the social network, including posts, posts and videos from other sites and users you don't follow.

    However, when testing this feature for brands in some countries such as Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Slovakia, Bolivia, Serbia and Guatemala, the results showed that the quality of their advertising on Facebook decreased from 60 to 80%. Currently, there is no information as to whether this new feature will be officially integrated into Facebook in the future.

    Find the Facebook Explore Feed feature on Facebook

    If you are accessing Facebook on your browser, expand the collapsed Explore menu in the bar to the left of the screen. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, you will find the Explore Feed icon. Click it to see Facebook's 2nd News Feed.

    If you are accessing Facebook on your phone, click on the menu (hamburger icon) and click See More in the Explore section. Scroll down and click Explore Feed to see it. You can also pull down the message board to refresh Explore Feed and see more content.

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