• Monday, September 30, 2019

    How to use video as a avatar, Facebook Avatar on iOS and Android


    Change your Facebook profile picture with unique videos

    After the waiting period, the feature uses videos as avatars on Facebook for both iOS and Android devices that have been used in Vietnam. Users can fully customize the avatar image with unique videos by themselves. Here are the steps to create a Facebook Avatar video on both Android and iOS.

    1. Guide to creating Facebook Video video on Android

    Step 2:

    At your Facebook profile, click the Camera icon in the avatar.

    Create a video avatar

    Step 3:

    Options appear. Select Record new video to change.

    Create a video avatar

    Step 4:

    Once clicked, Facebook will allow you to record videos on your phone for less than 8 seconds, less than Facebook on iOS.


    Step 5:

    After filming is complete, Facebook will allow users to edit video images, turn off or turn on sounds. Click Next to move to the next step.

    Create a video avatar 

    Step 1:

    Select the thumbnail and press Use to complete the video recording process as your avatar

    Create a video avatar Create a video avatar

    Step 1:

    The way to shoot videos to make avatars on Facebook is also simple. You will not need to look for a avatar, which can be replaced with unique videos. Join social-networking-tips to follow the steps below:

    Step 2:

    Visit the personal page on the Facebook application. After that, click on the word Edit in your current avatar.

    How to use video to make Avarta for Facebook

    Step 3:

    There will be 5 options to appear including:

    • Upload Profile Picture: tạo video mới làm ảnh đại diện.
    • Select Video Profile: tải ảnh đại diện có trong máy.
    • Select Photo on Facebook: lựa chọn video đại diện trên Facebook.
    • View Profile Video: lựa chọn ảnh trong Facebok
    • View Profile Video: xem video đại diện.

    To create a video as a avatar, click on the Take a New Profile Video item and do it.

    How to use video to make Avarta for Facebook

    Step 4:

    Once clicked, the video recording function will be activated. Maximum within 10 seconds, quickly record video. Select Next to move to the next step.

    How to use video to make Avarta for Facebook How to use video to make Avarta for Facebook

    Refer to the following articles:

    Facebook will allow you to select a Thumbnail image for the recorded video. Click 1 of the images in the lower section and select Use to save. With just a few simple steps, you have your own video clip to make a representative video on Facebook.

    How to use video to make Avarta for Facebook How to use video to make Avarta for Facebook

    Take a New Profile Video

    I wish you all success!

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