• Monday, January 7, 2019

    2 steps to make video calls on Facebook


    To chat, call, chat with friends and partners on Facebook

    Video Call allows you to make calls from Facebook without downloading any additional software or utilities, currently works well on or. All you need to do is click on the camera icon in the upper right corner of the conversation to start video calling.

    In fact, this feature has been widely used abroad, while in Vietnam market, Facebook has just tested and allowed to use in recent times, along with mobile users (Android, iOS ) I have already called, made video calls on Facebook, and Windows Phone users still have to ... wait.

    The condition for making a video call on Facebook is simply that you and the other party have a webcam (used for recording) and a microphone (used for recording).

    See more articles:


    Many readers have asked the admin:

    • Tại sao tôi không thực hiện được cuộc gọi video trên Facebook?
    • Tại sao tôi không nhìn thấy người bên kia?
    • Tại sao tôi không nghe thấy họ nói gì?
    • Blah blah...

    Please check if the webcam device and microphone on the computer are working properly (see the article in the link above), and what is important is that your Chrome and Firefox browsers have been updated to the new version. most yet?

    And did your browser support Facebook video calling feature, by installing the Facebook Video Call plug-in below:

    1. Basic operations to call Video on Facebook:

    You turn on the Facebook chat window and click on the camera icon in the upper right corner (mouseover will see the Start a video call with ... or Start the video call with ...):

    Start calling Facebook videos

    Click the Start button a Facebook video call

    If the person on the other side cannot make a call, or does not receive a signal, the camera icon will fade and a black text will appear "... is uncurrently unavaiable for video calling".

    Once started, Facebook will ask for the right to use the Computer's Camera and Microphone to make a call, you choose Allow or Allow to continue:

    Select Allow

    The interface of Facebook Video Call will look like the picture below, you can switch to full screen mode by pressing the Full Screen button:

    Full Screen

    If you want to adjust Camera, Microphone, click the Setting icon next to the Full Screen button:

    Adjust Camera, Microphone

    Video calls via Facebook will look like the picture below:

    Call signal 

    To end the video call, click on the red phone icon

    Calling Video

    Once you are sure that your computer is able to make a video call on Facebook, include:

    End call

    2. Check if your friend can receive my call?

    To check if the person on the other side can make or receive my call, hover over the Camera icon. If:

    • Trình duyệt Cốc Cốc, Chrome, Firefox, Opera.
    • Webcam, Microphone hoạt động bình thường.

    Good luck!

    • Camera màu Start a video Call với ... và có dòng chữ Facebook video call thì sẽ Camera is gray được. Ví dụ như vậy:

    This account can call Facebook Video

    • Biểu tượng blur, và is currently unavailable for video calling đi như vậy, đồng thời có dòng chữ ... Good luck! (như hình dưới) thì sẽ không gọi được video Facebook nhé:

    white gray

    • Bạn vẫn có thể chat và sử dụng các chức năng khác của Facebook trong lúc gọi Video Call
    • Tại 1 thời điểm, bạn chỉ gọi Video Call được cho 1 người duy nhất
    • Nếu bạn không có webcam, bạn vẫn gọi được Video Call nhưng người bên kia sẽ không thể thấy bạn
    • Trên điện thoại, máy tính bảng Android và iOS đã có thể gọi Video Call bằng Facebook.

    Video detailing how to call video call on Facebook:

    Good luck!

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