• Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    How to disable / hide Facebook nick even when online


    Hide your nick when you are online on Facebook on your mobile and computer with just a few simple steps

    Opening up a wide space for information exchange and conversation, Facebook has become an entertainment and work-out tool for many users today. Besides, with Facebook Messenger application, users can still contact friends without having to access Facebook.

    During use, sometimes you will be bothered by unrelated messages. Or want a private space to be able to do your own work, surf the web without wanting to be a session. But Facebook messages are constantly being sent because we are in Online mode. The best way is to go to the Offline state and no one can send you messages. However, when "hidden", can we still receive the message?

    In this article, social-networking-tips will show you how to hide / disable nick Facebook Messenger on your phone and on Faceebok Web.

    1. Turn off / hide the Facebok Messenger nick on the phone:

    Step 1:

    First, you access the Facebook Messenger application on your iOS or Android device. At the main interface of the application, we click on the People icon.

    How to disable / hide Facebook nick even when online How to disable / hide Facebook nick even when online

    Step 2:

    At the new window, you will click Active. Here, we will see the Online account icon when the status bar is green. That means you are online and others can see you.

    How to disable / hide Facebook nick even when online How to disable / hide Facebook nick even when online

    To hide nick Facebook Messenger, you push the horizontal bar to the left to turn off the status. We can still receive messages even when the online status display is turned off. But no one will know you are online.

    How to disable / hide Facebook nick even when online

    2. Turn off / hide nick Facebok on Web platform:

    Step 1:

    After logging into your Facbook account, go to the Chat section at the bottom of the screen to display a list of friends.

    How to hide Facebook nick when online

    Hide Facebook when you are Online

    Step 2:

    Click the left mouse button on the alias icon Setting, select Turn off chat.

    How to hide Facebook nick when online

    Turn off chat to hide Facebook nick

    Step 3:

    When chatting with friends is turned off, the window interface appears with 3 different options:

    • Tắt trò chuyện với tất cả bạn bè.
    • Tắt trò chuyện với tất cả bạn bè ngoại trừ...
    • Chỉ tắt trò chuyện với một số người sau.

    How to hide Facebook nick when online

    Hide Facebook with friends

    If you want to hide Facebook nick completely, check Turn off chat with all friends. Click OK to save the settings.

    Refer to some of the following articles:

    I wish you all success!

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