• Wednesday, May 8, 2019

    What is Steemit and how does it work?


    Steemit is a social network that has been receiving a lot of attention in the past few months. More than one million Steemit users worldwide, making this website one of the most visited websites in the world.

    However, unlike conventional social networks, Steemit's activities are tightly integrated with Steem electronic money and this gives users attractive features.

    So what exactly made Steemit famous? Let's find out later.

    What is Steemit?

    It can be said that Steemit is a "hybrid" software because the foundation of this software is a combination of the blog model and. In terms of the most basic features, Steemit works very much like Reddit, for example, you can upvote, downvote, track the topics you care about, as well as send content and debate with people. use another via posts.

    Steemit social network

    However, this is also a revenue sharing site, and this is when e-money really works. Steemit pays users in electronic currency Steem, instead of regular currencies like US dollars or pounds.

    On Steemit you not only get paid when posting content on the page. But also can earn Steem from comments and even just upvoting other posts that you also have money.

    How does Steemit work?

    How does Steemit work?

    While conventional social networks store all content on their own servers, all content on Steemit is hosted on Steem blockchain. However, for images, you will still need to use third party, such as Imgur.

    Using blockchain for archiving brings some practical benefits. Typically, you hold permanent ownership of your content and no one can arbitrarily remove that content.

    More importantly, the entire money management system is always built and strengthened by the blockchain every day. Blockchain creates a new amount of Steem every day. In it, Steem Power holders enjoy 5%, 75% belong to the community, while the Steem digger will take the remaining 10%. And how much users earn from those 75% depends on whether their posts are "hot".

    When creating a new content, you can optionally receive your royalties. Can be 50% Steem, 50% Steem dollars or get the full amount right in Steem Power. Here are the basic differences between the 3 options above:

    How Steemit manages the budget for the community

    First, Steemit is not a program to help get rich quickly. Like other social networks, some posts on Steemit can spread quickly and gain a great deal of interest, helping authors earn a significant amount of Steem in a short time.

    • Steem: Cũng giống như các loại tiền điện tử khác.Việc sử dụng Steem rất linh hoạt, bạn có thể dùng Steem để giao dịch và chuyển nhượng cũng như tiến hành các giao dịch mua, bán trao đổi với những đồng tiền điện tử lớn và gửi trong những tài khoản bảo mật. Đồng Steem được định giá dựa trên giá trị của các đồng tiền khác cũng dựa trên nền tảng Steem.
    • Steem dollars: Steem dollars có thể xem như là một công cụ nợ (debt instrument) gắn liền với với đồng đô la Mỹ. Ngoài ra, bạn cũng có thể chuyển đổi Steem dollars thành Steem. Steem dollars được chấp nhận trong một số giao dịch tiền điện tử.
    • Steem Power: Có thể hiểu nôm na Steem Power giống như chỉ số nói lên tầm ảnh hưởng của bạn trong cộng đồng. Tức là bạn càng sở hữu nhiều Steem Power thì giá trị upvote trong cộng đồng của bạn càng cao. Steem Power là một công cụ được tạo ra nhằm giữ chân người dùng gắn bó với Steem trong thời gian dài. Rất khó để quy đổi Steem Power thành tiền mặt. Quá trình bán Steem Power (powering down) mất tới 13 tuần. Sau 13 lần thanh toán bạn mới có thể nhận đủ giá trị của Power mà bạn sở hữu. Ngoài ra, không thể giao dịch được Steem Power.

    How much money can be earned on Steemit?

    But if you want to make money on Steem in a sustainable and long-term way, you will need to invest time and effort to improve follow-up, expand your influence in the community and ensure the quality of the content that I posted. Remember, Steemit is basically a social network.

    Particularly, some people may pocket more than $ 100,000 per week from their posts on Steemit. But not many people can do so, so don't put too much expectation on getting rich thanks to Steemit. Earning more than 500 dollars / month on Steemit is already pretty good. Especially if you're a "newcomer" don't be disappointed if you only earn a few dollars.

    With market capitalization of up to about $ 440 million, Steem is in the top 40 in the world. The value of the Steem peak at the beginning of 2018 with $ 7.31 changed to a Steem. However, considering the average in the last 12 months the value of the Steem increased from about $ 1.50 to $ 4.

    make money on steemit

    Is Steem a valuable electronic currency?

    So far, we have painted a pink picture of Steemit, but social networks always contain some disadvantages that users need to know ...

    What disadvantages does Steemit have?

    Some users have complained that they spend a lot of time and effort on the content that they upload, so their posts are drifted down the limb after a few minutes due to not receiving enough turns. view from the beginning.

    The articles are gone too quickly

    When a person owns more and more Steem Power, it means that their votes (both upvote and downvote) become more valuable than the votes of other users. This has led to accusations of inequity in voting. Accordingly, a few long-time users can shake hands with each other to hope to make money from your posts.

    Unbalanced Power vote.

    In July 2016, Steemit was looked at by hackers, and as a result, a total of 260 accounts were compromised with more than $ 80,000 gone. Although in fact, the study of the way the attacks were not overlooked, but one can be sure how these attacks cannot continue in the future, and how many more will be More money is stolen.

    Threats from hackers

    Some Steemit users expressed concern that if the giants were holding a large amount of Steem suddenly withdrawing all their money in one go, Steem's value could be broken in a blink of an eye. Also negatively affects the amount of money you can earn in the community.


    Due to the basic nature of the blockchain, you will not be able to reset your Steemit password. So if you lose or forget your login information, your account will be permanently locked without any way to get your account back. So you need to pay full attention to your login credentials, preferably using a password manager.

    Risk ability

    If you're tired of the constant quarrels on Twitter, headaches because of the selfie photos on Instagram and the kids on Facebook, Steemit is a place to stay. Steemit is just one of many "substitutes" who deserve your attention and their existence is a great thing. Have you ever wondered about the positive impact of social networks on our society?

    Reset Password

    See more:

    Steemit: One of the worthy replacement

    Nếu bạn đang mệt mỏi vì những cuộc cãi vã không ngừng trên Twitter, đau đầu vì đống ảnh tự sướng trên Instagram và lũ trẻ con trên Facebook, Steemit là một nơi đáng để bạn lưu trú. Steemit chỉ là một trong nhiều “kẻ thay thế” xứng đáng nhận được sự quan tâm của bạn và sự tồn tại của chúng là một điều tuyệt vời. Đã bao giờ bạn băn khoăn về tác động tích cực của các mạng xã hội đối với xã hội của chúng ta chưa?

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