• Friday, May 17, 2019

    Instructions for using Twitter for new users


    Below is a user guide designed to help you use Twitter within 15 minutes or less. You will learn the basics of using Twitter by setting up your Twitter profile, sending out the first tweet and determining how you use Twitter.

    Instructions for using Twitter for new users

    1. Register for a Twitter account

    First, go to twitter.com and fill in the information on the 3 subscriptions on the right, enter the name (should be the real name), the real email address (or your current phone number) and password. You need to provide your real email address (or real phone number) because only a few minutes later you will have to confirm your email address (or phone number) to complete the registration. After entering your name, email address and password, check the box before Personalize Twitter to agree to the agreement when using Twitter, then click "Sign Up".

    Do you see the Advanced Blue Options under Sign Up? If you don't want other Twitter users to find you by email and phone number, click on this option and uncheck the two options:

    • Let others find you by your email address (Để người khác tìm thấy bạn nhờ email)
    • Let others find you by your phone number (Để người khác tìm thấy bạn qua số điện thoại)

    Create a Twitter account

    If you sign up for a Twitter account by email, after clicking Sign Up Twitter, you will be asked to enter your phone number, enter the phone number to confirm your account.

    2. Select a username on Twitter

    After clicking on "sign up", Twitter will display a page different from the 3 news items you just filled in with a username suggested by Twitter under those 3 items. Your username may be different from your real name, please choose any name you like.

    Choose Twitter username

    Suggested username from Twitter will be based on real name, but if you want, you can change it completely. If the real name is not available on Twitter, it is the best username to choose.

    However, if your name already has another user, Twitter will add a number right after your name to create a similar username. This is not a good user name strategy when it just adds a number to the name. Sure, users want to change the suggested name to something more beautiful and memorable than a random number. You can add a character in the middle of the name or shorten the name to a nickname, so much better than a dry number.

    So remember that you have chosen a name that is short and easy to remember, ideally including your first or last name in it. "ProfPhil" will definitely be better than "Phil3".

    When finished, click "create my account".

    Next, Twitter will invite you to search for people to follow - follow - by asking you favorite topics, but don't follow people in a hurry because you're not ready yet.

    3. Skip the "Who to Follow" page and "What to Follow"

    Skip these pages by clicking on the blue "Next Step" button at the bottom of the first page. Then, click the "Skip Import" button at the bottom of the next page when it asks you to search for contacts in the email to find people following you.

    Instructions for using Twitter for new users

    Access your email account, check messages sent from Twitter and click on the confirmation link in it.

    4. Confirm email address

    Congratulations, you have become a true Twitter user.

    The confirmation link you click will lead to the Twitter home page, or the login page to access the Twitter home page. (If you want to continue learning how to use Twitter first, you can delay the confirmation process for this email and do it later).

    The next step is to fill in the profile, before starting to follow people.

    5. Fill in the Profile

    Why? Because clicking "follow" on someone will cause them to click back and check you. At that time, you will definitely want your profile page to have enough information to let them know who you are. There is no second chance to convince them to follow you, so take advantage of the opportunity.

    Click on "Profile" at the top menu of the Twitter home page, then click "Edit Your Profile" and fill in the settings. To add profile information so others can see it, click the "Profile" tab in the settings section.

    Uploading a photo of you will help more followers because it makes you more reliable. Click "choose file" next to the image icon and navigate to the hard drive and find the image you like and upload it.

    Next, add a brief description of yourself (less than 160 characters). A good piece of character will help attract followers because it shows you are very interesting. Determining the city and the link to any site you have in these dialogs is also worth making.

    Twitter is not the same as being used to make friends but is where you track other people's online activities. You can follow the people you know or the fan artist, the project you care about, etc. You can do whatever you like.

    Twitter provides you with a wizard to help you start using this social network. If you access this wizard, follow the steps it provides. It will suggest you a number of accounts to track based on your interests. Twitter will ask if you want to search your email address or phone number to find people you know above.

    6. Join the community

    Twitter will continue to provide suggestions for people you want to track in your feed if you're using the app or on the side of the screen if you're using the site. If you use the app, you can click on Connect feature, provide suggestions based on what you have tweeted or liked.

    You can track as many people as you like because it's unlimited. But when you add about 100 to 250 accounts, you'll notice the correlation between the number of people you follow with the number of Tweets displayed in your feed.

    You must be very eager to start and become a true Twitter user. So, what are you waiting for without sending your first tweet. Sending messages will be the best way to learn how to use Twitter - learn by practice.

    It's like updating your Facebook page, only the Twitter messages you send are public by default, and need to be brief.

    7. Submit the first Tweet

    To send a Tweet, hitting a 140-character or less message in the dialog box asks "What's Happening?".

    Submit the first Tweet

    You will see the characters count down when typing. When a negative sign appears, this means you wrote too much. Cut a few words and when you're satisfied with the message, click the "Tweet" button.

    Your tweet has not been sent to anyone by following or subscribing to receive your tweets. However, they are still visible to anyone when they visit your Twitter page.

    When watching people's Tweet posts on Twitter, you will see some of the lingo they use but don't understand its meaning. Here are some commonly used lingo:

    @ is used when you mention someone's Twitter name in your Tweet. He or she will receive notifications when you add them just like tagging friends' names in Facebook.

    8. Know about slang or used on Twitter

    RT means retweet (tweet). When you retweet someone it means you can repost their Tweet or add your own comment.

    • Twitter allows you to message directly to people who have enabled the Direct Message feature, often called DM. This feature allows you to make private chat and group chat. Although all regular Tweets are public, DM is completely private, only people in the DM can see the conversation.

    • Many people complain that Twitter is hard to follow. If people Tweet something and you're not online, you may miss it. Sometimes Twitter will filter the timeline, displaying Tweets of people you like before based on people you talk to often, before displaying real-time Tweets in reverse chronological order. This is a great feature that helps you capture everything that happens while you are offline.

    • However, if you don't want to miss anything, here are some tips:

    One thing to remember when using Twitter is that everything on it is public by default. However, you can create privacy when communicating with friends by setting up your account in private mode. Enabling this feature means that you must manually grant those who want to follow if you want them to see your Tweet and can communicate with you. In case you don't want to be in private mode, if someone constantly annoys you, stop them or report their behavior.

    9. Tracking tips on Twitter

    On Twitter on your browser, click on your profile icon in the upper right corner, next to the blue Tweet text> select Settings and privacy> select the Account tab on the left> look to the right, Account item, third option Language, click and drag down to select Vietnamese> last pull down and click Save Changes> enter password to confirm changes and your Twitter interface has been changed to Vietnamese.

    Decide how to use Twitter, for business or personal purposes

    • Truy cập trực tiếp vào trang của người bạn muốn theo dõi và xem tất cả những gì họ đã Tweet.
    • Tìm kiếm cho sự kiện bạn theo dõi, sau đó chạm vào tab Live để xem các Tweet gần đây nhất. 
    • Nếu thích nguồn cấp dữ liệu được sắp xếp nhiều hơn, bạn có thể truy cập vào tab Setting trong ứng dụng > Timeline > Chọn Show me the best Tweets first. Nếu muốn xem Tweet theo thời gian thực theo thứ tự họ đã tweet, hãy tắt tính năng này.
    • Bạn có thể thiết lập ứng dụng di động gửi thông báo dựa trên Tweet phổ biến từ hoạt động của bạn. Tính năng này rất hữu ích nếu muốn theo dõi các sự kiện yêu thích nhưng không thể trực tuyến cả ngày.
    • Sử dụng Tweetdeck, một ứng dụng Twitter tùy biến hơn. Bạn có thể tạo danh sách riêng tư với chỉ một vài người trên đó để xem tất cả những gì họ đã tweet.

    10. Set up privacy mode on Twitter

    After completing the above steps, your next step is to decide who and what types of people you want to attract. There are available items available for you to choose and follow the people in that section.

    11. Change Twitter language into Vietnamese

    I wish you all success!

    See more:

    Decide how to use Twitter, for business or personal purposes

    Sau khi hoàn thành các bước trên, bước tiếp theo của bạn là quyết định theo ai và những kiểu người nào bạn muốn thu hút họ. Có các mục sẵn đã được cung cấp để bạn chọn và theo những người có trong mục đó.

    Chúc các bạn thực hiện thành công! 

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