• Thursday, February 21, 2019

    How to block adding to groups on Facebook


    or Group Facebook is a place where you can talk about a topic with a lot of people with the same concerns. However, many Facebook users face the situation of being added to many strange Facebook groups, junk Facebook groups, no need to use. At that time you will constantly receive, extremely uncomfortable. So how to cancel automatically adding Facebook groups?

    Instructions to cancel automatically add to Facebook group

    1. Block add to Facebook group in Settings

    Right on Facebook Settings there is an option to block someone's invitation to join Facebook group, or to block specific Facebook groups on Facebook.

    Step 1:

    Users click on the gear icon and select Settings.

    Install on Facebook

    Step 2:

    Switch to the new interface and click on Block.

    Custom Blocking

    Looking at the content on the right, there will be two sections that need to be set up, including Blocking invitations to join groups and Block groups.

    With Block invitations to join groups, enter the name of the person or add you to the garbage Facebook group. We will not receive any more group invitations from them.

    The nice thing about this option is that when you block people who often add you to the group, they will not receive any messages from Facebook. Enter a name in the Block invitation from box.

    Block invitations to join the group

    Next down the Blocking section. Please enter the group name we don't want to join. Once blocked we will not receive any invitations to join that group.

    Block Facebook groups

    The list of Facebook groups that block the invitation will appear immediately below. The Unblock button below will unblock the group invitation if the user needs it.

    Facebook group list is blocked

    2. Leave a series of Facebook groups

    In case you have been added to multiple groups on Facebook, you can exit all Facebook groups with just one simple click.

    To exit a series of Facebook groups, readers follow the article.

    Summary of Facebook groups

    The Toolkit For Facebook utility will aggregate all the groups you join on Facebook, then users will be able to choose which groups to leave, or leave the entire Facebook group joined.

    Leave the Facebook group in bulk

    Above is how to help you automatically cancel adding Facebook group, avoid being spammed by Facebook group notification and leaving the Facebook group the fastest. We do not need to install additional tools, but we can perform additional blocking on the group on Facebook right in the Settings section.

    I wish you all success!

    Chúc các bạn thực hiện thành công!

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